Tuesday, June 19, 2007


Another doctor's appointment today, another set of xrays. The xrays showed so much more space in between my tibia and fibula breaks than last time, and in those spaces you can see new bone starting to form. It looks like cloudy white specs. My doctor estimates that I've already lengthened between 1.6 cm and 1.8 cm, so he wants me to lengthen for ten more days, and then I'll be done with the lengthening. Hooray!

He also saw that my tibia was starting to drift over toward my fibula, so he had to correct that using the fixator. He put the wrench in one of the holes on top of the fixator and cranked it, and it felt like my knee was being moved over to the side inside my leg. He referred to this as "surgery while awake."

Yeah. It hurt. And my leg has been very painful ever since. Excellent. Apparently I may need little adjustments like this from time to time. It's pretty crazy that he can basically move around all the bones in my lower leg using the fixator. I thought the lengthening was the extent of the fixator's powers.

My doctor is going out of town for two weeks, so I'm on my own for a while. My next appointment with him isn't until July 10th, when he told me that I have to take an xray standing up, with my leg completely straight and my foot on the floor. So I have a lot of range of motion to accomplish before then.

Paige and Beth came over tonight for a visit. They didn't want their pictures taken, not wanting them to be posted on the blog. Too bad!

Thanks for coming to visit, guys.


Anonymous said...

hey, what's with the silence? what am i supposed to do at work if you aren't posting? by the way, i just read 'a spot of bother' and i loved it, and i wonder if you've already read it or if you'd like to borrow my copy.

Anonymous said...

where did u get your surgery done?

anniecole said...

I HAD THIS PROCEDURE! I really admire you documenting it. Everyone always says I know how you feel but it is never true. I have dwarfism and I had this procedure done to tibias and femurs. Keep it up!