Wednesday, June 27, 2007


We’ve been without internet access in the apartment since last Friday. The problem turns out to be a frayed wire buried in the ground at the back of our apartment complex, and apparently it’s a job so complicated that even Time Warner Cable needs to contract it out. It won’t be fixed until July 5th. Thank baby Jesus that the TV cable still works.

Not much to report on the leg front, except for one of my pin sites appears to be infected. It’s red around the rim of it, swollen, painful and very, very itchy. Like I want to tear off my skin itchy.

I upped my antibiotics from two a day to four a day, then emailed my doctor, who is in Israel, or Italy, or some other country beginning with an I that I would know if I was paying attention when he told me, and he wrote back within the day and told me to continue with the increased antibiotics for 48 more hours and apply increased pressure to the site.

When I showered and cleaned my pin sites yesterday, the infected site looked a little better, so hopefully the increased antibiotics are doing the trick. They are certainly doing a number on other parts of my body.

Kelly went back to work this week (which is how this is getting posted, thanks Kelly!), so I’ve been on my own in the apartment during the days, which has been okay. It’s hard to get up and get things for myself, like food from the fridge, because I have to somehow hold whatever it is in my hand and still use both of my crutches. But I’m managing, and it’s good practice for me before I go back to work.

I have two more physical therapy sessions before I head back to work next Monday, and I’m really hoping I can do a good amount of weight bearing during them. I’m getting very eager to start walking again.

And I only have three more days of lengthening left. Woohoo! I’m even starting to count down the number of cranks. Only eleven more!

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